(Article PDF) How to Be Awesome at Biostatistics and Literature Evaluation
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What do The Hobbit/LOTR, Shrek, Hunger Games, The Avengers, and Twilight have in common?
They are all tetralogies.
You know what else is a tetralogy?
Only the greatest post series we have out there: How to Be Awesome at Biostatistics and Literature Evaluation.
Like Moneyball, we also like statistics. And it seems, you do too. You've probably bookmarked our posts (Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV). You've spouted terms like skewness and cohort. You've pretended to a be a risk-obsessed pirate. And you debunk claims on local news of the latest *X* in your kitchen cabinet that will kill you.
But you've always wanted to roll this saga up in a tight, rubber-banded roll of 20 lb paper to slip into your coat pocket, looking for that quiet broom closet on the ward where you can unfurl the article collection and refresh yourself on the nuances of retrospective vs. prospective cohorts. Well, today's the day.
What are you waiting for?