A Clinician’s Pocket Guide to Pharmacotherapy: Pediatrics
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Like our Antibiotic Pocket Guide and Acute Medical Emergencies Pocket Guide, the Pediatric Pocket Guide was primarily written by Josef Hadib Nissan, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP, with input from everyone on the tl;dr team.
Here's a section-by-section breakdown of everything included:
- Intro to Pediatrics (Common lab values, nutritional requirements, etc)
- Medication Considerations in Peds (PKPD, meds to avoid, excipients to avoid, OTCs)
- Infectious Disease (vaccines, otitis media, croup, etc)
- Immunology (anaphylaxis, Kawasaki disease)
- Pulmonology (Asthma, RSI)
- Cardiology (pediatric BLS and ACLS)
- Toxicology (antidotes for common drug intoxication)
- Miscellaneous (ADHD, DKA, Status Epliepticus, and more)
Each section is jam-packed with not just drug information but also critical information you need to diagnose and monitor the disease. In typical tl;dr fashion, it's loaded with clinical pearls, practice wisdom, and is organized in a way that helps you find, learn, and memorize the information.
Like our Antibiotic Pocket Guide and Acute Medical Emergencies Pocket Guide, it's coil-bound and super durable. It holds up to the stresses of daily life inside your white coat pocket, and it can even survive water and coffee spills. When the hospital internet fails, or your laptop battery dies, The Pediatric Pocket Guide will still serve as the guiding light you need to take care of the little guys.